About the project


The selected biostimulant formulations are considered effective in terms of plant tolerance to reduced water and nutrient availability. The biostimulators will be pilot applied to 6 selected greenhouse tomato crops in 2 main but different greenhouse areas of Crete, in the Agricultural Cooperative Olive Producers Group (A.C.O.P.G.) of Tympaki and Agricultural Cooperative Anatoli (A.C. Anatoli), with the aim of limiting the adverse effects of climate change and reducing water and fertilizer inputs to crops.

Specific dosages of the formulations and application times will be tested and the effects of these substances on fruit production and quality will be evaluated. Dosages and application techniques will be based on results of preliminary experiments carried out by the Horticultural Crops Laboratory team as part of research projects. The positive effects of the used biostimulants on the production of marketable products and their nutritional value will be quantitatively evaluated by the Horticultural Crops Laboratory.

The selected biostimulator preparations are, from the Greek company HUMOFERT, Nitrostim, a microbial biostimulator of growth, and from the Italian company MUGAVERO the biostimulator Kelpstar, an extract of brown algae Ecklonia maxima and Tyson, a hydrolyzed protein biostimulator.

Originality and innovation of the project

The importance of the project lies in the production of innovative knowledge on increasing tomato yields as well as the compilation of a good practice guide for the use of new biostimulator products in vegetable crops under low chemical and water inputs. As the results so far show, the application of the specific biostimulators to the tomato is expected to reduce the consumption of water and fertilizers by approximately 15-20%, without a substantial reduction in the production and quality of the products.

In addition, the tests that will be done at the greenhouse level with the participation of farmers and the updates that will be made about the new techniques and applications and their economics will offer knowledge and experience to farmers, scientists, companies and society in general. Finally, the results from the tests of the specific biostimulators in the tomato will be used to transfer the knowledge to other similar greenhouse crops.

Role in the project


GAIA EPICHEIREIN has undertaken the coordination of the members of the Operational Group for the implementation of the pilot project as well as the actions for the management and completion of the project. GAIA EPICHEIREIN by choosing the appropriate communication channels, will cover all categories of promotional activities. By systematically disseminating the results through the press, with a targeted digital campaign, the results will be disseminated through the internet. Through participation in conferences, the results will be disseminated to the scientific world. The organization of a local workshop aimed at the agricultural world and agricultural policy actors will highlight the necessity of innovation at the local level. Through a networking day with EGs from all over Greece, a) the national diffusion of results and b) the gap between the agricultural and scientific worlds will be covered in order to transfer innovation to businesses.


The Laboratory of Horticultural Crops of the A.U.A. coordinates the scientific part of the project and specifically, coordinates together with the A.C.O.P.G. of Tympaki and A.C. Anatoli the application of the biostimulators, the recording of the yields, the samplings and the analyses. It is responsible for evaluating the results to create best practice guidelines for the use of new biostimulants for greenhouse tomato cultivation. In addition, it undertakes the promotion of the results of the project through participation in conferences and through participation in seminars and networking activities.


In the tomato crops of the greenhouse facilities of the producers – members of the A.C.O.P.G. of Tympaki and A.C. Anatoli, the pilot application of innovative biostimulators is carried out with the reduction of plants’ needs in water and fertilization and the adoption of more environmentally friendly agricultural practices. The A.C.O.P.G. of Tympaki and A.C. Anatoli together with the Laboratory of Horticultural Crops of the A.U.A., they coordinate the application of the 3 biostimulators, recording of yields, sampling and analyses. The A.C.O.P.G. of Tympaki and A.C. Anatoli are responsible for securing the greenhouse tomato cultivation units and for the required records and actions for data extraction. Finally, they promote innovative ideas through their participation in the seminars and networking events that are organized.

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